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Investment Enviroment
·Geography Advantages
·The safe political environment
·The opened economic system
·Low labor cost
·The favorable trade status
·Geography Advantages
·The safe political environment
·The opened economic system
·Low labor cost
·The favorable trade status
Zone News
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Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone Resolutely Opposes Any Acts That Would Damage ItsReputation
Publisher:admin  Date:2019-6-20 18:26:19  Click:3952

Recently, some media reported that officials of the U.S. Embassy in Cambodia told the media that some enterprises in Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone(hereinafter referred to SSEZ) evaded U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods through transshipment. Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone Co., Ltd. has paid highly attention to this issue and immediately conducted an investigation. The results show that 29 enterprises at present in SSEZ with products exporting to the USA have not been investigated or punished by the U.S. Customs recently.

We deeply regret the damage to the reputation of SSEZ caused by the above false reports. "Clean people are self-cleaning, turbid people are self-turbidity". As a major project of international cooperation between China and Cambodia along the “Belt and Road” initiative, SSEZ has been jointly developed and built by the Cambodian and Chinese enterprises. We have always insisted on the establishment and the administration of parks according to laws and regulations and resolutely oppose any illegal activities. In the future, we will continue to operate in accordance with the lawsand regulations, further strengthen the management of enterprises in SSEZ, and operate SSEZ well.

Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone Co., Ltd.

June 20th, 2019


Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone in Cambodia
Add:No.4 National Road 212km,Prey Nob District,Preah Sihanouk,Cambodia

