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·Geography Advantages
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The Director of Labor Department Answers Questions from Entered Companies
Publisher:admin  Date:2014-1-14 14:31:58  Click:2572

The Director of the Labor Department (Right) is answering questions


When people walk into the SSEZ, they could see many new factories appearing and hear the sounds of the machines as well. Now, the numbers of workers in SSEZ increased imperceptibly. Therefore, the management of the huge number of labor is unavoidable and difficult. In order to help the companies in SSEZ to solve the problems in managing their workers, the SSEZ invited the officers of Labor Department to answer the questions of them. On 17th October, the SSEZ Company invited the Director of Labor Department in person to discuss problems and communicate information with entered companies. The director gave answers to all the questions about the daily management in workers, such as the dispatch of worker transport vehicles, the conduct of national holidays in Cambodia, the medical assistance and physical examination of workers with Cambodian nationality, the labor wage and work efficiency, the worker flow and working contracts, the living allowances and so on.

The director said: the SSEZ is developing very well and now there are 53 companies in this zone with 9000 employees. I saw every step of the SSEZ development. He said, the development of SSEZ is exciting, but it also means that more works about guaranteeing the stability and security in SSEZ should be correctly dealt with because of the increasing numbers of enterprises and workers. So the SSEZ Company should be aware of the current situation clearly and manage all work with suitable measures. He hopes that all entered companies could have a long-term development in SSEZ and he will try his best to make contribution to help the healthy growth of entered companies and the SSEZ Company as well.

In order to help companies to solve problems as soon as possible, the director provide his personal contact information and he expressed that if the companies have any problems about labor, they could contact with him. In terms of providing the training and guidance about the “Labor Law”, he said he will give positive support and chose a suitable time to conduct. In order to improve the administration service of Labor Department, he announced that a “Complaint Box” will be set in “One-stop Service” window and he will open and read complain letters in person as well. This action was welcomed by all companies in SSEZ.


Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone in Cambodia
Add:No.4 National Road212km,PreybNob District,Sihanoukville,Cambodia

